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如何评价《权力的游戏》第六季第十集 S06E10「The Winds of Winter」?

转自game of throne wiki The Winds of WinterIn the Title sequence, House Stark"s direwolf sigil is restored to Winterfell. The Bolton sigil replaced it from Season 4 onwards, and in Season 3 the animation showed Winterfell burning (after it was burned at the end of Season 2 - at the end of Season 3 it was revealed that Ramsay and the Boltons burned it). Thus this is the first time that Winterfell has appeared restored, with the Stark sigil, and not a burning ruin since the Season 2 opening credits.自第三季以来第一次片头的临冬城不是废墟并挂着史塔克的家徽All storylines in the TV series will have surpassed the books as of this episode. The TV series adapted certain subplots out of synch with each other, thus while Jon Snow"s storyline surpassed the books starting in the Season 6 premiere, other major subplots this season such as the Greyjoy subplot and Tully/Frey subplot were holdovers from other novels. Now even these remaining subplots have caught up. The Slaver"s Bay storyline surpassed the novels in the preceding episode.Two subplots were omitted from the TV show but won"t be introduced now: when Tyrion flees east to get to Meereen it introduces a major new political shakeup happening in the Free Cities, while the Dorne subplot in Season 5 was drastically condensed, then outright abandoned at the beginning of Season 6. Because Dorne is close to the Free Cities, preview chapters for the next novel reveal that the Dorne and Free Cities subplots are going to combine with each other into one big subplot -- all of this was removed in the TV version.Jaime and Brienne each had about another chapter"s worth of material involving running into the Brotherhood Without Banners in the Riverlands, but this subplot has also been omitted entirely thus far.所有的故事线都超过了书中的进度。书中的多恩线以及詹姆和布兰妮遇到无旗兄弟会的剧情被省略。With the death of Mace Tyrell, all heads of Westeros" great houses at the beginning of the series are now dead. The heads of Houses Arryn, Targaryen, Baratheon, and Stark died in Season 1, the head of House Tully in Season 3, the head of House Lannister in Season 4, and the heads of Houses Martell, Greyjoy, and Tyrell in Season 6.在梅斯提利尔死后,在书中最开始的7大王国的家主都死了。Arya feeding Walder Frey a pie containing his sons is a reference to the legend told by Bran in season three about the Rat Cook. Like Walder Frey, the Rat Cook broke Guest right and was punished by the gods to eat his young.It might also be a reference to a long-running fan theory that the pies served by Lord Wyman Manderly to Roose Bolton are made from missing Freys.艾莉亚做的佛雷派影射了书中老奶奶给布兰讲的鼠厨师的故事。同时也让关于书中白港曼德利给小剥皮的派是弗雷派这个猜测更有依据。The Twins returns to the Title sequence for the first time since Season 3. The Wall appears in the title sequence but not in the episode itself. Oldtown appears in the episode but not in the title sequence.孪河城自第三季以来第一次在片头出现。长城出现在了片头,但没在本集出现。旧镇在剧集出现,但没在片头出现。This episode confirms the longstanding theory hinted at in the novels that Jon Snow is actually the secret child of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. It is also heavily implied, but not outright confirmed just yet, that Rhaegar didn"t abduct and rape Lyanna, but instead she ran off with him, and Jon was their secret love child (although the possibility remains that her pregnancy was the product of rape). Given that Rhaegar was Daenerys"s older brother, and Jon is his male heir, if Rhaegar married Lyanna in secret, then by all the different inheritance laws of Westeros Jon Snow technically ranks ahead of Daenerys Targaryen in line of succession to the Iron Throne.Complicating matters is if Jon was a Stark bastard, but a Targaryen bastard or not. Daenerys would still rank ahead of Jon if he was merely Rhaegar"s bastard son, and Rhaegar was already married to Elia Martell. On the other hand, the Targaryens were known to practice polygamy in past centuries when they thought they could get away with it - always a contentious issue with the Faith of the Seven which forced them to abandon it. Nonetheless it is possible that Rhaegar entered into a second marriage to Lyanna in secret, making Jon his legitimate son. Of course, as Renly Baratheon pointed out in Season 1, the "line of succession" is often just a legal fiction decided at the point of a sword: Robert Baratheon claimed the Iron Throne on the token pretext that he was Rhaegar"s second cousin (his grandmother was a Targaryen), but it was ultimately decided on the battlefield.这集佐证了囧恩是莱安娜和雷哥的儿子,同时也暗示雷哥并没有强暴莱安娜,而是私奔。因为雷哥是丹妮丽丝的哥哥,这样按维斯特洛的法律雷哥的儿子囧恩的继承权排在丹妮丽丝之前。但如果囧恩是坦格利安的私生子,那么丹妮的继承权优先。又一个但是,如果雷哥和莱安娜秘密结婚,那么囧恩就不再是私生子了。His name is... If Robert find out, he"ll kill him, you know he will! You have to protect him. Promise me Ned!As implied in their brief dialogue, Lyanna Stark feared that Robert Baratheon would kill her baby if he found out that Jon was actually Rhaegar Targaryen"s son, and she made Ned promise to protect him. As a result, when Ned Stark returned north to Winterfell from the war, he passed off Jon as his own bastard son, when he was in fact his nephew. The only thing he"d ever say about Jon"s mother was a vaguely concocted explanation that he fathered her on a servant girl named "Wylla". Ned came very close to telling Jon the truth about his mother when they last saw each other at the beginning of Season 1, but ended by emphatically saying that "you might not have my name, but you have my blood".同时奈德乱搞的说辞也终于洗白了。Given that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna Stark, this means that his believed siblings Sansa, Arya, and Bran are actually his first cousins. Jon"s future political career as King in the North may hint on marriage-alliances: first cousins marriages are not considered Incest in Westeros and are actually fairly common among the nobility. Tywin Lannister married his own first-cousin Joanna Lannister (her maiden name was already "Lannister" before they married). Indeed, in the novels, even the Starks have had first cousin marriages in recent times: Ned Stark"s own parents Rickard Stark and Lyarra Stark were first cousins once removed (her name was already "Lyarra Stark" before they married). Thus it is not implausible that if this revelation came to light, Jon could legally marry Sansa to cement his claim over the North.这样一来囧恩是三傻的表兄妹,而表兄妹通婚在维斯特洛是允许的。泰温兰尼斯特就和自己的表妹结婚了。所以囧恩存在和三傻结婚成为北境之王的可能。Another potential marriage-alliance for political goals by Jon Snow may of course be with Daenerys Targaryen herself. Due to Jon Snow actually being the son of Daenerys"s eldest brother Rhaegar Targaryen, Daenerys is actually Jon"s aunt. Nonetheless, the Targaryens were known to practice uncle-niece or aunt-nephew marriages in the past (which aren"t quite as incestuous as brother-sister marriages). Rhaenyra Targaryen married her own uncle, Daemon Targaryen. Thus according to Targaryen laws and customs it would also be perfectly legal for Jon Snow to marry his aunt Daenerys Targaryen to secure a political alliance.另一种可能是囧恩和丹尼莉丝结婚。Given that the legality of Jon"s birth hinges on if his father Rhaegar Targaryen entered into a polygamous marriage, it isn"t even outside the realm of possibility that Jon might invoke Targaryen custom to marry both Sansa and Daenerys.还有一种狂野的猜想是三傻和丹妮都进入囧的后宫,鉴于雷哥自己也重婚。It remains unclear if Benjen Stark actually is the character "Coldhands" from the novels, or a similar revenant, or if the TV series is condensing the two characters together. Coldhands in the novels similarly appears to be a dead human who was being turned into an undead wight, but the Children of the Forest intervened, so that he retains his consciousness and free will. Whatever the case, Coldhands in the novels gives the same explanation that Benjen does: the Children worked strong spells into the foundations of The Wall when it was constructed which prevent dead things animated by magic, such as himself, from passing through it.由于剧集浓缩了剧情,所以并不能证明班扬史塔克是书中的冷手。This isn"t a spoiler because it appears in the episode preview: a white messenger-raven is seen flying north to Winterfell. White messenger-ravens are a special sub-breed kept by the Maesters from The Citadel in Oldtown, which are larger, stronger, and smarter than normal ravens: they are only sent out to carry the important official announcement across Westeros that the seasons have changed.白色乌鸦更壮更聪明,学城专门用来传送季节更替的消息。In the books, Jaime Lannister"s army doesn"t advance all the way north to The Twins after the Second Siege of Riverrun, and thus he never personally met Walder Frey. After leaving Riverrun in the books, his army does advance north but only as far as Raventree Hall, the seat of House Blackwood (earlier episodes in Season 6 did mention in passing that the Blackwoods were also in revolt like the Tullys).在书中詹姆攻取奔流城后并没有去栾河城,所以没机会遇见瓦德弗雷。有空待续补完

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