swiss gear商标变更-swicky商标

提问时间:2020-08-17 11:31
迅法网商标注册 2020-08-17 11:31




ACCA P阶段科目变动合并对知识本身会造成多大影响?多谢?

P-level改革内容终于出来了!!!除了P1和P3有所变动,P2也会变更考纲,升级为新的P2。财华国际老师从官方消息中摘录了对大家影响较大的一些内容,并对重要内容进行了解读,希望可以帮助前进道路上的同学们合理规划自己的考试。2017年九月将推出新的职业道德测试模块,2018年9月考试开始,现有的P1和P3整合为一个科目 strategic business leader,考试时长4小时。P2加入新的内容升级为strategic business reporting。也就是从2018年9月开始,ACCA考试变更为13个科目,包括基础阶段9门和P阶段4门。其中P阶段必考科目是 strategic business leader 和 strategic business reporting,选考科目和现在一样,考生从高级财务管理、高级业绩管理、高级税务、高级审计四个科目中选择两个科目参加考试。We"re introducing an innovative case study, Strategic Business Leader. Core competences have been taken from existing P1 and P3 and made more practical in this new case study. And we"ve redesigned the current P2 to Strategic Business Reporting, a new syllabus with a wider focus.We’ve taken the current qualification view of reporting to new levels. Students will get the skills needed to confidently speak the language of business and explain reports to a wide variety of stakeholders.In Strategic Business Reporting, we take the qualification’s current holistic view of reporting into a new dimension. The syllabus will retain the existing technical content of P2 Corporate Reporting. This is significantly enhanced by giving students the skills needed to confidently speak the language of business, and explain reports and the impacts of transactions to a wide variety of stakeholders.如果已经是ACCA学员,在2018年9月之前通过P1和P3两门考试,到时就可以转换为Strategic Business Leader的通过,在2018年9月之前通过P2考试,到时就可以转换为Strategic Business Reporting的通过。2018年9月正式取消P1和P3的考试,如果在2018年9月之前只通过P1和P3其中的一门考试,那么考试成绩将会作废,学员需要参加Strategic Business Leader的考试。If you have passed both P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics and P3 Business Analysis before September 2018, you will be given a converted pass from the new Strategic Business Leader exam.Students who have passed P2 Corporate Reporting will be given a converted pass from the new Strategic Business Reporting exam.Students who have passed only one of these exams, for example either P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics or P3 Business Analysis, before September 2018 will have to complete the new Strategic Business Leader exam.如果现在还没有注册ACCA学员,也不必等到2018年9月再进行注册和学习,因为改革不会影响学员的考试进度。ACCA期待更多新成员的加入!Don’t delay your ACCA journey - register nowIf you want to join us as a student, there’s no need to wait until September 2018 to register. You can start your journey now - your progress will not be affected by the changes.You’ll have access to a range of learning support tools and resources. We want you to be successful in your exams, so we’ll continue to provide world-class study support through a number of different channels.详细信息,大家可以复制这个链接到浏览器 登录查看。从现在开始到2018年9月之间还有多次考试机会,希望同学们可以根据新政策合理规划好自己的考试时间。财华国际教研团队将会源源不断的为同学们提供考试指导,同时会根据新的考试政策研发相应的课程,为同学们早日成为ACCA准会员提供有力支持!Note:具体改革信息和考试大纲以ACCA官网发布的消息为准。